Repository Web Interface
Agencies can:
- Submit data files
- Review and correct errors
- Resubmit files
Administrators can:
- Review and correct errors
- Manage users
- Review activity by user and date/time
- Manage data elements
Crime Insight Repository
The Crime Insight Repository automatically:
- Validates uploaded files
- Converts files to FBI NIBRS format
- Prepares files for submission to the FBI
- Consolidates errors identified by Crime Insight and FBI
Crime Insight Reporting
Users of all three websites can:
- Manipulate views by dragging, dropping and nesting dimensions
- Perform cross-tabulations
- Add filters, sort, drill down, drill through, and aggregate data
- Produce highly targeted reports
- Perform in-depth analysis
- Conduct detailed research
The old adage, “a poor worker blames his tools” may be true in other fields—but at this level, with such vast quantities of data, even the most skilled statistician will tell you: a lot depends on the tools.